Big wire saw GS-420-30

This wire saw is especially designed for natural stone and has a large wire storage for particularly huge cuts and long wires. 

Because of the large storage, the machine can be set up stationary but can be mobilised easily.

Field of application
Field of application
  • Designed for all kind of application in natural stone business.
  • Suitable for large cutting surfaces and extra long diamond wire loops.
  • Big wire storage of 42 m.
  • Pneumatic tension of the wire.
  • Hydraulic operated wire storage
  • Suitable for diamond wires of Ø 8 to 12 mm.
  • Wire storage: 42 m
  • Electric drive power: 30 kW 
  • Anschlussleistung: 63 A 
  • Size L x W x H: 2,8 x 1,3 x 1,6 m
  • Total weight: 850 kg
  • Premium package equipped with exchangeable bindings for efficient use and self-replacement.
  • Service kits available for all types of rubber pulleys
  • DSW-SE 25 additional storage of 25 m

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